Friday, April 9, 2010

Threadless Tshirts

I've known about this website for quite a while now, but its very cool and unque so I thought id try and share it with the world. is an american site where anyone can submit their own design for a tee and if it is accepted will be made into a tshirt for sale on the website. Successful designers get $2000 cash, $500 gift certificate, $500 each time the design is reprinted and opportunities for more moolah if your design wins any awards.
But the beauty of it is there are literally hundreds and hundreds of designs and really cool ones at that. Each tee is unique and different from any other as it is an original design. They're all between $15 - $20 US$, so not too expensive with the current exchange rate. I've chosen just a few up top that I liked, but go check out the website. 

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